Monday, March 5, 2012

part of my new room!!! I finally got to move into a really nice apartment with 3 other amazing girls! This is actually the first time EVER I have lived on my own, outside my families and moms shadow. It's super exciting and I'm so eager to see what this experience is gonna bring. Your welcome to pass by anytime!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

You know who you are. ;)
I re-watched this scene like 10 times because I foresee this being my future boyfriend and I. I only hope he is as attractive as ryan gosling.
I want to wear a t-shirt with an incredible necklace. oh, and to be an international pop star. that would be rad too
I think half of her charm is the fact that she has an attitude. a total no bull shit, I know I’m fabulous kind of attitude. Love her.
seth cohen for life. 
this still gets me every time hahahaha