Friday, July 29, 2011

so i was checking my facebook inbox this morning and this is what i found.

"For the longest i thought i was ugly because im really skinny with no butt or boobs but u inspired me to love myself because u have a type of confidence i dnt see with most UG skinny girls because we are expected to have curves n all that. I really love you because u inspire me expect ur taller and more prettier than me im super short."

*deep sigh*

To this girl, i saw your pics on facebook and even if i didn't, all girls are beautiful and unique in their own way. I feel so blessed that i can be a role model to you, and that u look up to me. Skinny, Plus Size, Short, Tall it don't matter, God created you in a special way. 

In High school sometimes, I used to tie a sweater around my waist cause i honestly thought my butt was big and i reaaaaaally hated it! People would stare at school, some of my girlfriends would be like "damn, i want your butt." I had an auntie that always slapped it, saying how bad she wanted it!! trust me,i wanted to give it away!!!  half. of. it.
 (spot the black sweater.)

But overtime as I got older i realized that i loved my body, and appreciated what I got and had to flaunt it. You can do the same. So you BETTER work it girl!!! who run the world??!! GIRLS!!!!!

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